Sunday, September 20, 2015

Pink Ombre Nails

Ombre or gradient, you choose. But they're the same thing.
Time for another nail art post!
As you know, Summer is slowly fading away. People are looking at more natural, earthy colors for Fall. So here is a last little bit of color for your summer, before we wrap it up for the Winter.
With that being said, on to the pink!

 This is a really easy technique using make-up sponges to blend the polishes into an ombre effect. You can use two colors if you don't have a lot of different shades, but I would recommend using three for the prettiest look.

These are the materials you will need:
  • White polish: Sinful Colors: Snow Me White
  • Light pink polish: Wet 'n' Wild, Tickled Pink
  • Medium pink: Sinful Colors, Pink Forever
  • Dark Pink: Wet 'n' Wild, Lavender Creme (I have NO idea why they call it lavender! It's a dark pink color.)
  • Make-up sponges 
  • Your favorite base coat and top coat (mine are from Avon)
  • Optional: Q-tips, nail polish remover.

 First, apply your base coat.
When it is completely dry, paint your nails with two coats of white polish.

You have to wait for the white polish to dry, or else when you dab it with the sponge, it will pull the white right up.
Unscrew the bottle lids of all three pink colors, so they are ready for you to use. On the largest surface of the make-up sponge, paint a stripe of each of your three colors like this:

You don't want there to be too much polish on your sponge. And yet, not too little either. Polish should soak into the sponge a little bit.

Then you dab it once or twice on the surface of your white nail. You can't dab it too many times, because the wet polish on the sponge will make the white turn into liquid again, then it will pull up ALL of the polish on your nail, and you'll be left with a wet mess. :)

I had to take this pic after I finished my nails, because I forgot to take it before. :) Anyways, this is how you put it on with the sponge.
So, just dab it two or three times, on all of your nails. The first time around, it's not going to look very opaque.

Your cuticles will be a bit of a mess too, but don't worry about that, we're going to clean it up later.
After the first layer of polish dries, take your sponge and paint fresh stripes of color.
Depending on the opaqueness (is that a word? *crosses fingers*) of your polishes, you will have to put more layers of polish on your nails up to three times. The pinks I used here are pretty opaque, so I only had to do two layers.
Once again, be sure to let each layer dry before putting on another one.
As soon as the last layer is dry, use your Q-tips to clean up around the edges with nail polish remover.

After the clean-up, put on a shiny top coat, and you're done!

So pink, is it not?!
You can look forward to some more Fall themed crafts and tutorials in the next few months. I will miss the bright colors of Summer, but Autumn is coming, so I might as well give in once and for all this year to those lovely earthy greens and browns and reds.
In other words, no more flowers or pinky-ness until Spring! :D
See you in the next post!


  1. It's so PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINK. I used to not like pink very much, but more and more I'm LOVING pink. I really like the bright pink-ombre-ness today. But I am ready for my favorite know it IS that time of the year for...RED!!! Dark, rich, red. :) Oh, I love it. But the pink is amazing for today. :)

  2. Hot pink is so hot!!! Lol!!!!!😉


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