Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Romantic Snow Queen Jewel Box

Hehe. Sorry for the cheesy name of this post. :)
So, my mom was getting rid of some old boxes, and since I like to decorate things, I asked her if I could have some to decorate.
For awhile I couldn't think of what to do with this box. So I let it sit on my dresser for awhile. I knew I wanted to do something with pearls (because I love pearls...), but it took me awhile to find enough embellishments that I liked. Anyways, I think the end project turned out really pretty!

This isn't exactly a step-by-step tutorial, I'm just going to show you a few things.
After obtaining the box (my mom gave me this one, but I've seen them at Hobby Lobby), I kept my eyes open for anything pretty at Michael's or Hobby Lobby to use.. I used three different sizes of pearls, and collected different rhinestones and other gold and sparkly things.
Basically, anything you want. Make yours unique!

The theme for my box is obviously gold, pearls, and rhinestones.

I started by laying out my embellishments in a number of various ways, until the look pleased me. If you're going to do a centered decoration like mine, be sure to put the first piece in the very middle, or else the whole thing will be off. Also, don't glue it down until you have it all laid out the way you want it.

Keep laying it on (WITHOUT GLUE), until you have it the way you like it.

It took me awhile to get the pearls looking right. :P

To bring in some more gold color, I put a gold jump ring around some of the rhinestones. It gives it a different look.

See how nice it looks with the gold jump rings?

I was almost finished at this point, but I figured it needed something around the edge. So:

After that I went ahead and picked up each little piece at time to glue it down with E6000.

I think it turned out really pretty. :)

You can keep anything you want inside. I keep (surprise) pearls.

That's all for today. Sorry I haven't been posting! You know how it is. I've been busy. :P I hope you're having a good day. :)


  1. That is so lovely! Do you remember when I picked it up and it wasn't glued on? And the pearls went everywhere! That was so funny!

  2. Very pretty! I LOVE pearls, too!! :)

  3. Thank you so much, Morgan! I had a lot of fun making this. :)

  4. It's funny that you say Snow-queen...snow-queens have literally been jumping out at me lately.


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